November 15, 2013

Kuching Chicken Porridge 古晋鸡粥

Location: Jalan Nanas, Kuching

This place has been existing for long time. It's a family business, only open at 7pm from Monday to Saturday. For those who are interested to try this porridge, please go as early as you can because it normally sold out before 8.30pm. And those who want to try their steamed chicken, you have to be there before 7.30pm. No joke.. they have limited supply daily. Other dishes like mushroom chicken leg and ginger chicken will be available all time.

You might wonder, what's good about this chicken porridge. Well, the texture is smoother. It's actually a congee not porridge. Sprinkle the chicken meat strips, preserved vegetable and spring onion bits on top of congee, it is ready to serve. I prefer to mix the congee with the soy sauce from mushroom chicken leg, the combination will make the taste even better.

A bowl of this without egg is RM2.40; with raw egg is RM2.80. Price will increase due to inflation.

Mushroom Chicken Leg (RM3.00)

While waiting for the food to be served, if you met an auntie carrying a basket and selling kuih muih there, I would recommend you to buy the chickpeas (kacang kuda) from her. That's my favourite. Full of protein.. most importantly, she boiled it perfectly well-done. A pack of chickpeas RM2.00. Well, chickpea is expensive and it needs long boiling time. RM2 is worth it.

Posted updated on 08/03/2014:

Last week we managed to go back to Kuching Chicken Porridge for dinner around 7:30pm. We were quite early so we got this steamed chicken at last. The supply runs out very fast, every customer would not want to miss this dish. Though it looks 'ordinary' but it is the best match with their porridge.

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