December 13, 2013

Old Rex Cucur Udang Cafe 老丽士虾饼

Address: 437-438, Rubber Road, 93400 Kuching
Phone:019-829 0029

Old Rex Cucur Udang Cafe has existed in Kuching for some historical years. It used to be located at a cinema called Rex, this is how it got the name from. Old Rex Cucur Udang Cafe as what the name called, famous with its prawn fritters. They have not only prawn fritters, also the assorted fried lok lok like fish balls, fish cakes, taro, sweet potatoes, pisang goreng (fried banana), etc. It is actually a good place to hang out during late noon. You can get ABC ice cendol at here too. That makes it a popular place to hang out because it supplies what we desire under the hot weather.

Assorted lok loks we ordered

Belacan Beehoon is available at here too. The famous Kuching delicacy, only available in Kuching. Ingredients: rice vermicelli, shredded cucumber, bean sprouts, sotong kembang(brown squid) and belacan (shrimp paste) soup. Though the smell might not be pleasant to some people. Aside from belacan beehoon, rojak is another good option.

I had this dessert drink named "Wu Wei Tang" - 五味汤, meaning it contains 5 flavors. Consists of barley, jelly, white fungus (Tremella fuciformis), winter melon sugar strip and common fig (无花果). Nice combination!

Put this in your food hunting list if you want to visit Kuching one day :)

Oh yeah, this place served no pork. It is halal and you can see a lot of Malay patrons too.

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