February 26, 2014

Cherry Blossom Episode 5: Tokyo Day 1 (Shibuya & Tokyo Tower)

After checked in our hotel room at Agora Place, we had our late lunch and relaxed ourselves on the comfy bed. Honestly the bed in every hotel room we stayed in Japan is really soft and comfortable. We headed out before the sky gets darker, reached our destination at Shibuya around 5pm. The main objective was to see the Hachiko Statue at Shibuya JR Station. The story of Hachiko is here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hachik%C5%8D

I never seen any beggar in Japan until Shibuya JR Station. Apparently he sleeps in the station. Though a beggar, he is very organised. Things are sorted in order. Truly a Japanese. I didn't take any photo because their walking pace was fast and the traffic was heavy inside the building. 

It didn't take me too long to locate Hachiko Statue. Seems like it's famous meeting point for the locals too.

The crowd in front of Shibuya JR Station

Free Hugs Campaign

Durian, our King of fruits. This durian is from Thailand though.

Walking to Shibuya 109. Lotsa pretty Japanese girls inside the building. We didn't stay long since I am not into Japanese Fashion. But we bought a lot at Uniqlo, it is my favourite brand. 

After shopping, we made our move to Tokyo Tower for night view. Took subway Oedo Line to Akabanebashi Station. It was freezingly cold and we were exhausted after walking for whole day. Literally dragged our feet to reach the base of Tokyo Tower.

Close-up of Tokyo Tower.

Initially we thought of taking photos outside Tokyo Tower only. I made the suggestion to go up to the observatory floor for the night view of Tokyo. Mum hesitated but I insisted because we shouldn't miss and regret it later. One entrance ticket for adult is 820 yen. It proved that I made the right decision.

The night view of Tokyo city is breathtakingly beautiful. 

Spotted the Rainbow Bridge. But it's green colour.

Tokyo Tower in the heart

It has this look-down window too. But can't really see it clearly due to the bright lighting.

After Tokyo Tower, we dragged ourselves back to our hotel at Asakusa.

Some transport info:
You can download Tokyo subway route map from here: http://www.tokyometro.jp/en/subwaymap/

For your convenience, you can get either PASMO or Suica at subway station or card issuing machines. The usage of both cards is the same. Can be use for riding railways, subways and buses. I used PASMO card because I saw the PASMO issuing machine before Suica's. I didn't retain the card because I wanted to get my 500 yen deposit back. There are top-up machines available at every station.

PASMO Card 1,000 Yen

Suica Card 2,000 Yen

Remember to get a free copy of Tokyo Handy Guide book at Tourist Information Centre. It provides helpful tips like sightseeing bus tour, free shuttle bus and the transport charges between airport and main locations in Tokyo. 

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