December 31, 2015

#tanahairku Murals in Kuching

My last post of the year 2015. Introduce these beautiful murals in Kuching to you. In September this year, I drove through Carpenter Street and Ewe Hai Street. There were skylifts parked on roadside at three different locations. Noticed they were doing the paintings, their artworks look so stunning. The colours are so eye-catching. I couldn't stop admiring at their murals. Each piece is a masterpiece. If you travel to Kuching city, remember to lift your head higher for these beauties.

The hornbill mural

The children mural

The leaping feline mural

Out of topic, just found the "signboards" so antique.

This alley and the stretch street is called Bishopsgate Street. There is one church at upper hill. In history the bishops usually came out for grocery, they walked on this path so it got its name from there.

2015 is going to an end. Wish you all have a wonderful countdown celebration. Happy new year to you all!

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