May 16, 2016

Steak House @Petanak Market, Kuching

Address: 1st Floor, Lot 12, Jalan Petanak, Petanak Market, 93100 Kuching, Sarawak
Business Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 5:30pm - 11pm (Monday off)

Many Kuchingnites are familiar with this budget Western food located at Petanak wet market. I got to know its existence since my college time. Though the price was quite low for a Western food meal during those time, it was still a luxury choice for me. I had not been there for a very long time. Reason being, I don't think the taste worth to wait for a hour long. Maybe the waiting time has shortened, depends on the number of customer order.

Bro's order, lamb chop.

The business is running by family, the son is now taking charge of grilling. The taste was acceptable, price wise also reasonable. But come to choose the budget Western food yet good taste, Richmond Place always my best choice.

May 10, 2016

Kueh Chap Stall No. 45 @Kenyalang Hawker Center, Kuching

Address: Jalan Tan Sri Datuk Amar Sim Kheng Hong, Kampung Kenyalang Park, 93300 Kuching, Sarawak

Any of you like kueh chap? I am not a huge fan of kueh chap and bak kut teh. But it is ok to have it once in a while. I used to like Bintawa kueh chap, now have not visit for several years. This kueh chap stall was recommended by a friend. Not too oily and the broth tastes nice.

I ordered the small bowl. Ingredients as such, fried beancurd, pork intestines, skin and some fat without meat.

The chilli sauce provided. Slightly sour, not spicy, quite a good match with the kueh chap.

I prefer the skin over the intestine. The intestine is rather too dried and not juicy.

I am not sure if the stall starts business in the noon or it is only available in the evening. It will be better to visit the place during evening time. There is one famous kueh chap located at 3rd mile wet market too. I'll blog it in the future once I have chance to visit (or when I feel like having kueh chap).

May 1, 2016

Zhao'an/Chawan Cuisine 诏安风味 @ Lee Coffee Shop Stutong, Kuching

Address: Ground Floor, Sublot 78, Jalan Setia Raja, Stutong Parade Commercial Centre, 93250 Kuching, Sarawak
Business hours: 10am - 2:30pm (Off on every Thursday)

Zhao'an or Chawan cuisine is not common in Kuching, perhaps in whole Malaysia? I ever went to a friend's house for Chinese New Year dinner, they prepared the smoked meat. That was the first time I got to know Zhao'an smoked meat delicacies that used sugarcane in the process of smoking. The family even used the purple sugarcane sticks to smoke the meat. The taste is distinctively aromatic.

They told me there's a stall at Stutong selling Zhao'an cuisine too. And the name has been shared and spread among some Kuching community groups. As we have been patronised the Foochow cuisine stall during evening time, been noticing the Zhao'an stall too. They start business on day time only. One fine day, finally we made the determination to try it out. 

This is the stall. We looked at the menu, without pausing long, we ordered almost all the dishes. Smoked duck, smoked chicken, smoked pig head, smoked pork, and curry chicken rice (except the curry rice, five spices meat rolls, and char siu rice).

The price is range from RM5 - RM6 only!

They have been appeared in the local newspaper too.

My bro ordered smoked chicken and smoked pork.

Bro's girlfriend ordered the curry chicken rice. Though the plate was flooded with curry gravy, she still asked the vendor for one extra bowl.

I ordered smoked pig head and smoked duck. The vendor asked me if I would like to have the pork ear. I said YES, that's my favourite! I have zero resistance to cartilage (soft bone). My bro also kept 'stealing' my pork ear. Since he paid for the meal, I let him to snatch from my plate.

Each dish comes with a bowl of soup and curry gravy. Gosh... with such portion as above, it costs only RM6!

Ok, this meal costs less than RM20. I have to rate it 5-star! Assorted smoked meat, all taste superb delicious.

Highly recommended! If you want to order a big serving portion (or for special occasion), you can call them for booking: 017-806 2862 / 017-805 2628.

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