May 12, 2018

Fun Taiwan Day 2: Kaohsiung (Cijin 旗津, Love River 愛河 & Rueifong Night Market 瑞豐夜市)

Second day at Kaohsiung, we had breakfast nearby at 四海豆漿 (direct translate as Four Sea Soy Milk). We ordered egg pancakes, fried onion cake and soy milk. The food was taste alright and reasonable price.

After breakfast, we took MRT to Sizihwan Station 西子灣站 again. The plan of the day was to take ferry to Cijin Island 旗津. It takes 7 minutes by walk from Exit 1 to the ferry station.

Saw this large packaging of snack food at 7 Eleven, requested my mum to hold it and take picture.

Before taking ferry to Cijin, we took a walk along Shaochuan Street. I was searching on Google map to look for the location of The British Consulate at Dagou 打狗英國領事館. Walked for few minutes under the hot sun, we were so "burnt".

We arrived at Shaochuantou Park 哨船頭公園. Failed to locate The British Consulate at Dagou. I thought the building has been demolished but that was actually the bank of Dagou. We have to walk further up for The British Consulate at Dagou.

The view from Shaochuantou Park.

As the weather was too unbearably hot, we decided to head back to Gushan Ferry Pier Station. That's the ferry pier station with the signboard stated Hamasen 哈玛星.

The scenery from the bridge (一號船渠景觀橋).

Boarding the ferry to Cijin.

Arrived at Cijin. I highly recommend to hire a bicycle or motorbike to tour around Cijin because the distance is too far by foot. I was overestimated myself, thought we can reach the destinations by taking our time to walk. It was too exhausting and drained off our energy, especially under the hot weather.

Cijin Old Street 旗津老街, also known as seafood street. There are seafood restaurants along the street.

Sat at the Cijin Beach and rest for a few minutes.

We entered the Qihou Market 旗后觀光市場 to shield ourselves from hot sun.

Rainbow Church 旗津彩虹教堂. There was many tourists taking turn to take pictures.

Double Whelk Shell Statue 雙螺台. At here, we decided to rent an electric bicycle with back seat. The distance from here to Qihou Fort is too far-off.

Another landmark of Cijin Island, Sea Pearl 旗津海珍珠.

This is the electric bicycle we rented. Only single rider as the back seat doesn't equipped with pedals. It was tough for me to steer because the front set of this bicycle is small and light, plus my passenger was quite heavy to balance while riding.

Cijin Tunnel 旗津隧道. Walked through the trail, at the end of tunnel you will see the beautiful coastline.

Dr. James Laidlaw Maxwell Monument, a Christian missionary who arrived in Taiwan in 1865.

The scenic view at the end of tunnel.

Kaohsiung Lighthouse 高雄燈塔.

Qihou Fort 旗後砲台.

After returned the bicycle, we wanted to take ferry back to Kaohsiung. The queue line had shocked me. Waited for half an hour to get on the ferry. However, Cijin residents have the top priority to board the ferry prior to tourists.

Finally we arrived at Gushan Ferry Pier.

On the way to MRT station, we passed by this famous fruits shaved ice called 海之冰. They don't have English name, but their website is

My bowl, fruits with ice cream and condensed milk. NT$75 a bowl. Anyway, I don't think it's worth to rave about. The taste was quite plain, nothing special. Except their selling point is that it has different sizes of bowl.

The next destination, we wanted to visit the Love River. Took the MRT to Yanchengpu Station. At the exit, we saw this cute lucky cat statue.

Love River 愛河.

We took a boat ride. The ticket is NT$150 per adult.

At evening time, we visited the other famous night market in Kaohsiung, Rueifong Night Market 瑞豐夜市. We settled our dinner here. In my opinion, this night market is much better than Liuhe Night Market. Much merrier and crowded. The variety of food is wide and it has the section selling clothing too. But the only drawback is that its walk path is rather too narrow.

Saw this stall 烤鸭夹餅 selling roast duck bun has a short queue. Decided to line up for it too. Then the queue got extended longer after this.

This was so good! Don't know if it was because I was too hungry or what, but it was freakily delicious. Slurp!

Still feeling empty stomach, I saw this Want Go Steak House 萬國牛排 was packed with customers dining in and the hotplate noodles looked so yummy. Decided to give it a try. We were told that we have to wait for a while but the vendor convinced me that the wait won't be too long.

No regret. A must have at Rueifong Night Market. I had the steak NT$100 and my mum had the chicken NT$130.

What surprised me is that they also provide free cream soup and free tea. This is self-service.

The map to Rueifong Night Market:

After this, we went back to our hotel for a good rest. Didn't linger long in this area because too


  1. While I was in Taiwan, I always go out and taste different foods on the street. The foods are mostly delicious and cheap in price. Is much better to go to restaurant and taste those foods that not really match my stomach.

    1. Hi Liza, I like street food too. But my mum is very particular when it comes to food choice. No shell types, no deep-fried, no beef. I missed out a lot because of her prohibition.


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