December 4, 2014

Dumplings @ Hui Sing Hawker Center 粽皇

Location: Hui Sing Hawker Center 辉盛小贩中心
Business hours: They will open around 4.30 - 5pm, please call to confirm: 012-8830101

Sometimes I will crave for rice dumplings. Though mum's dumplings always my favourite, I prefer meat in small chunky size rather than mince meat, and with lots of mushroom bits. These days she refused to make it because of the tedious process. So I have a few alternatives in my list. The dumplings at Hui Sing Hawker Center is one of them. Their dumplings are quite famous because of their special ingredient: yam paste, and also its size is larger than a fist size.

If not mistaken, they have 3 types of dumplings with different ingredients. Normally I'll go for yam paste. Price wise, it's reasonable.

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