February 9, 2017

Chinese Barbecue Specialist 烧腊第一家 @Padungan, Kuching

Address: 50, Jalan Padungan, 93100 Kuching, Sarawak.
Business Hours: Monday - Sunday 6:30am - 8:30pm

Monday is my day I have to run errands outside. I am going to Jakarta on 17th Feb, so dropped by Tun Jugah Money Changer to exchange some Rupiah. After done it, time was about 2:15pm I was feeling quite hungry. I suggested to have lunch at Chinese Barbecue Specialist, bro agreed. It's just a short walking distance from Tun Jugah.

The menu is hanging on the wall. They have roasted chicken, roasted pork, roasted duck, char siu, pork ribs, and sausage. Also got a few types of stewed soups.

Other than BBQ menus, you can order dishes as shown below:

We ordered roasted pork, roasted chicken and roasted duck. Normally a bowl of soup will be served together. There are two types of dipping sauce, I'm not too sure what us the dark sauce made of. It tastes a bit sour and sweet, prune? Anyway, it is the best match with the roasted duck. The chilli sauce is not spicy but it pairs well with roasted pork and chicken.

The plate of roasted pork, roasted chicken and roasted duck. I like the roasted pork and roasted duck the most. The duck meat is not hard to chew and still juicy. Roasted pork, everyone would expect to have the crispy top layer and I assure you that this one won't let you down.

I noticed there are a few customers having the kolo mee. I doubt the kolo mee should be quite good? Well, will find out next time. Here's the map to Chinese BBQ Specialist:


  1. It seems like a very English-unfriendly place. Are we able to see English menus here? I can understand not a word on those Chinese characters.

    Btw, do you use Hongxi at Tun Jugah? Is it the best money changer in town?

    1. Hi Hans, there's no menus in English. But the owner of the coffeeshop will be able to tell you what do they have. Alternatively, just finger pointing which one you want at the front of the stall.

      Yes, I usually used Hongxi. Normally call Hongxi or the money changer at the Spring for exchange rate of the day. I ran two places for Rupiah that day, kinda regret to change it at The Spring after discovered that the rate at Hongxi was better.

    2. I see. I guess it's because that is a rather traditional shop so mostly Chinese.

      I changed at Mohd Yahya@S'wak Plaza before, but then I saw Hongxi was slightly better. The Spring seems like just normal, neither too good or too bad. But for some currency, they can retain a good rate for some time.

    3. Hi Hans, before Hongxi established, I used to change currency at Sarawak Plaza too. The money changer at The Spring didn't have enough of Rupiah that day, so I had to detour to town and got the remaining changed.


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