January 1, 2014

Cherry Blossom Episode 2: Osaka Day 3 (Umeda Sky Building)

Umeda Sky Building was optional in my list. Since the day was still early so we tried to make full use of the day. We took subway to Umeda Station. From the map, Umeda Sky Building is located at a distance from the station. We walked on the street,the building was just in front of our sight but I had no clue on how to cross the road. Went back to the station and got direction from Tourist Information Center. It took me sometime to find the pedestrian underground.

At last we arrived at the foot of Umeda Sky Building

We used coupon to redeem our entrance ticket to 173 Floating Garden

The observatory desk. It was very windy that day. I couldn't really stand firm. 

The railings with love locks.

360 degreee views of Osaka from the height of 173m

Came in to the building, we both were shivering because of the coldness. I bought a cup of hot chocolate at 350 Yen and shared with mum while enjoying the Glico snacks which I bought from Tsutenkaku Tower.

Leaving, the escalator to go down. It was a nice experience because you can still enjoy the view outside the building.

Evening time we went back to Dotonbori for dinner. This time I randomly chose one restaurant because mum preferred meals that come with rice.

This set costs 780 yen:

This set costs 980 Yen:

As we passed by Kani Doraku (the restaurant with huge crab model on its facade), mum was attracted to the packages displayed.

Yeah, it looks fresh and yummy indeed.

As mum's request, we bought this pack at 1,480 Yen.

This is our last night at Osaka. The next morning we checked out from hotel and head to Kyoto.

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