January 1, 2014

Happy New Year 2014! Cherry Blossom Episode 2: Osaka Day 3 (Tsutenkaku Tower & Shinsekai)

Hi everyone! Happy new year! May joy and peace surround you always :) Have a blessed year ahead!

Let's continue my Osaka trip. Day 3, still a cloudy day and strong wind. It was very cold outside. Except the first day, the weather on following days was indeed poor as shown in weather forecast. We were lucky enough to be able to see the cherry blossom on our first day in Japan... because the following days of our trip, we barely seen any cherry blossom at random park we visited. Thank God for fulfilling our aim of the trip.

We took subway Sakaisuji Line to Ebisucho Station. Interior of the train we took.

At the subway exit, Tsutenkaku Tower was just in front of us. Along the way, there were two rows of single-storey shops.

We used the coupon to redeem our entrance ticket to Tsutenkaku Tower. This leaflet was given by them, which you can use it to make a paper Tsutenkaku Tower.

Information is also stated in the leaflet. The light of Tsutenkaku Tower will change according to months. We went there in day time so we missed the chance to see the pink colour Tsutenkaku Tower.

This is Billiken Charm Statue, mascot of Shinsekai area. Billiken is not originally from Japan. According to Wikipedia, it's originated from America: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billiken

View of Osaka from Tsutenkaku Tower

The history of Tsutenkaku Tower

Glico products are also available for sale in Tsutenkaku Tower. I spent a lot (total 2,047 Yen) for my favourite pocky snacks, grabbed almost every flavour of pocky on the rack. Will show you in the following post.

After Tsutenkaku Tower, we were hungry. We went to Shinsekai area to hunt food. After a few rounds of walking, we stopped by at this canteen because it looks very local. This proves that I made the right choice because the food is nice and cheaper compared to other restaurants surrounding.

Regained our energy, we continued our exploration at Shinsekai area.

Giant Billiken statue & my mum

We wanted to try onsen at Spa World Onsen From Around the World. But despite using our coupon, we still have to spend extra 900 Yen so we cancelled our mind.

Next post: Tennoji Zoo

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