April 17, 2015

Ah Yeo Ice Kacang, 阿杨红豆冰

Location: Jubilee Ground Hawker Centre, Kuching, Sarawak
Facebook Page: https://zh-cn.facebook.com/AhYeoIceKacang

There is a number of places in Kuching serving nice ABC. Ah Yeo ice kacang at Jubilee Ground Hawker Centre is one of them. This place will be flooded with people during hot days. Jubilee Ground Hawker Centre has a few stalls selling the same products, ABC, belacan beehoon and rojak. Ah Yeo Ice Kacang is located on the right, if you walk in from this direction in the picture.

Why Ah Yeo is more popular compared to the rest? Secret is their variety of menus. I remembered when the movie CJ7 长江7号 was out, they created the new menu named 七仔. Very creative indeed.

I ordered ABC Speical with milk (actually santan milk will taste better).

They use fresh papaya instead of canned fruits.

Uncle Yeo is a friendly guy. Now you don't have to purposely drive to Jubilee Ground Hawker Centre for their ice kacang, it is also available at City One and Friendship Park too.

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