April 15, 2015

Petaling Street (Chinatown) 茨厂街, Kuala Lumpur

Traveled to Pasar Seni LRT station in Feb this year. Discovered something new this time. The graffiti art along the retaining wall caught my attention. Seems like I had not visited Pasar Seni LRT station for quite long time. No doubt, it is not so dull as before, very colourful and eye-catching. I stopped for quite a while to enjoy their good works. 

As a Malaysian, I travelled to Petaling Street less than 5 times. Petaling Street is famous with replica products. But there has one thing I like about Petaling Street, a beverage that can cool down your body heat under the hot sun.  

Here it is.. All time favourite: Air Mata Kucing. It is a must-try thing when you visit Petaling Street.

This drinks made of lo han guo, dried longan, winter melon and rock sugar, can quench your thirst instantly. 

Spent quite sometime to find this apam balik stall. Though it looks quite messy and unhygienic, but I didn't care. Once piece RM1. Quite expensive. I had it only in evening time when I went back to my hotel room. It tasted really good still. No regret to have it.

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