August 23, 2015

Good Place for Early Breakfast & High Tea @ Hi Bread Kopitiam, Kuching

Location: Jalan Rumbia off Jalan Pandungan Utara, Kuching, Sarawak.
Business hours: Mon-Sat: 5:45 am - 6:00 pm; Sun: 5:45 am - 2:00 pm

When I worked at Petanak area, everyday I would pass by Hi-Bread Kopitiam. At initial stage, there were not many patrons. Later their business slowly picking up. Now there have many patrons visiting every early morning. Parents bring their kids there for breakfast before school. And, their pricing is notably reasonable.

The breakfast set looks very appealing. It is important to start your morning with healthy breakfast.

Egg Mayonnaise Sandwich, my favourite. The portion of egg mayo is so generous. 

Beef Salami Sandwich. I like this one as well.

There still have different menus which you might be interested to try. Not only sandwich, they also sell assorted pastries, e.g. custard bun, raisin bun, ham roll, red bean bun, etc.

* Hi-Bread Kopitiam also has another branch at Pending (adjacent to Pending Post Office).

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