August 30, 2015

Kuching Festival Fair 2015, Kuching

Location: MBKS Kuching, Sarawak

Kuching Festival Fair is held annually for duration of 1 month approximately, starting end of July until end of August (just ended last Sunday). I have skipped for few years because no urge to go. This year I decided to go so that I can share with you all the atmosphere of our famous food fair. I went two times this year, first time my bro invited me to go with him. Second time, we brought mum to go. Two visits, roughly spent RM100. We did control ourselves not to spend on our second visit.

Not only food, there has singing program too.

There are quite a number of stalls selling roasted chicken wings. This stall's chicken wing was quite good.

I have heard many good comments on this oyster omelette. My bro doesn't take oyster so I skipped this.

The sweet corn coated with different flavours for you to choose from.  Quite interesting, but I didn't buy because lazy to bite.

I doubt this ice cream gula apong is the same as at Open Air Market. I skipped this one as I already bought macaron ice cream. One day I would want to try the original one at Open Air Market (when I have the patience to queue).

Roasted bird. We bought two birds because the size was rather small. Honestly, it was "undercooked". The inner was still pink showing.

I ever saw this macaron ice cream at PV128 Setapak. This time it was available in Kuching food fair too. Decided to give it a try, but the price.... I was shocked actually. But still bought a box to try. You can choose the ice cream flavours. 

One bite size of macaron. 3 pieces at RM12. What do you think?

Cheese hotdog, only RM2.50. Bro wanted to give it a try. His comment, "luckily it is only RM2.50."

First and second visit, this ThaiCool had long queue every time. Hmm.. Fried ice cream, you can find around 4 - 5 stalls at food fair selling the same thing. Very competitive.

Churros. I think they should get a proper equipment to fill up the chocolate in the churros. The churros stick wasn't fully filled. Rather disappointing as it costs RM4 yet the center is empty.

Judge from the appearance, you might roughly know the result.

This is Korean egg bread. RM10 for 4 pieces. I wonder why they must get customers to buy 4 pieces instead of 2 pieces. I couldn't finish it alone.. Sigh, what a waste. The taste would be good if served fresh.

Cola chicken wings. The chicken wings were marinated with coke then roast.

Tried so many food, this peanut ice cream is the only one that impressed me. On top of popiah skin, they place three scoops of coconut ice cream then sprinkle the shredded peanuts generously. Tastes real good. Hope I can have it again next year.

I never thought we could spend more than RM50 at here. I always felt regret to spend as some tasted not so great, below my expectation. On second visit, we passed by a stall selling Nyonya kuih and mum was interested to buy. One package RM3.50, 3 packages RM10. We bought the 3 packages RM10. A minute later, I asked my mum why we bought so many as we don't really need it. Worst, you paid 3 packages@RM10 saved only RM0.50!! Gosh... Found myself quite dumb. LOL.

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