November 8, 2015

Pasar Tamu Bintulu, Sarawak

I like to visit Pasar Tamu Bintulu because I always can find all sorts of jungle products here. Also, fresh veges, local fruits, belacan, cincalok, salted fish, etc. 

The cincalok looks fresh.

Sayur 1 Malaysia, only RM1!

The vendors outisde selling rambutans, langsat and dabai.

Even the jungle durians. RM15 each.

You can get crabs here too.

The sago worms. I never taste it before. And wouldn't want to try too.

Asam paya

Milin and paku

This is how the jungle durian meat look like. Orange colour. The meat is harder and less juicy compared to the ordinary durians which we usually see in the market. It is seasonal, so the price at RM15 each is fairly cheap.

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