November 29, 2015

Rojak Kucei, The Famous Indian Rojak in Kuching

Location: Batu Lintang Hawker Centre, Jalan Batu Lintang, Kuching

This hawker stall, Rojak Kucei is not unfamiliar to Kuchingnites. The Indian rojak and nasi briyani are their speciality. Every time I visited the place during lunch time, the front door always got people lined up. If came late, chicken sold out. Luckily I got the last plate of nasi briyani that day.

The boss has sharp eyes, spotted I'm taking photo.

Nasi briyani, comes with two side dishes. Big portion but I finished it all. I like the rice, but the meat is not my liking. Maybe it is because I don't like breast meat?

The side dish. Fried taufu, long bean fritters and cucumber strips with Indian rojak gravy.

Another side dish, potato curry.

The Indian rojak, contains fried chicken, fried taufu, vegetable fritters, cucumber strips, and bean sprouts. The gravy is sweet though.

The following post, I am going to blog the halal kolo mee for Muslim readers. Stay tuned!

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