July 29, 2017

Mala Noodles 八点地麻辣面 @Kampung Stutong Baru, Kuching

Address: Kampung Stutong Baru, Jalan Stampin Baru, Kuching
Business hours: 6:30am - 11:00am; 4:00pm - 10:00pm Thursday - Tuesday (Off on Wednesday)

If you ever been to the famous fried wanton at Kampung Stutong Baru, then you should have passed by this Mala noodles stall with noticeable banner stated "麻辣面". It's in between 1 Plus 1 Kitchen and the fried wanton stall. Mala (麻辣 in Chinese) is the numbing spicy sauce. If you like spicy food, then this is the right place for you. We went there few times in a roll, addicted to its fried kueh tiaw. Lately we stopped patronizing as afraid of getting sore throat.

There are two stalls here, the mother is specialised in kolo mee. The son is in charge of the fried noodles. First time here, we ordered both: mala kolo mee and mala fried kueh tiaw.

At the fried noodles stall, they also have tomato fried wanton kueh tiaw, Foochow fried noodles and Cantonese fried noodles too.

The contact and business hours for your information.

The mala fried kueh tiaw, RM6.50. They have three levels of spiciness: low, medium and high. We are not an avid fan of spicy food, we normally go for the low spiciness. Its spiciness is just right, we could feel the slight numbness of our lips too.

The mala kolo mee, I wanted to try out the texture of the noodles. This one tastes surprisingly nice too. But in comparison, we still prefer the fried kueh tiaw.

This one is called QQ noodles, the noodles made of tapioca or sweet potato starch.

The following week, we came here for the fried kueh tiaw again. It becomes our first choice for fried kueh tiaw whenever we crave for it.

The map to Kampung Stutong Baru Mala Mian 八点地麻辣面:

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