July 27, 2015

Coffee Obsession @ Tun Ahmad Zaidi Adruce Road, Kuching

Address: Suite 29, Kueh Hock Kui Commercial Centre, Lorong Tun Ahmad Zaidi Adruce 18, 93150 Kuching, Sarawak.
Tel: (017) 222 2885

I have been to Coffee Obsession 4 times until to-date. Wanted to blog about it but too many blog entries to choose from. Plus, I would like to try more of their food before I blog it to public. So far, I have tried their apple pie, chicken pie, Turkey quiche, bread pudding, spaghetti pudding and Creme Brulee. Haven't try their sandwich though.

The cafe is located on first floor. I was quite surprised with their location, the area is quite commercial for office. It is not difficult to locate it, adjacent to Bata building, and next is Cat City Holidays travel agency.

I think they did the fittings and furniture themselves. My eyes fix at every corner, very impressive. I like their creativity with the chairs, tables, bookshelf and hand wash sink with old bicycle.

Variety of desserts and three types of pie / quiche. The egg tart is huge, costs only RM2. The pies and quiches taste really good too.

This is the cake named after their own. The bottom layer is red bean actually, middle layer is tiramisu. I quite like the combination. But the sweetness should be reduced.

Rose with French Vanilla tea. This is my favourite. If you like tea and rose, try this. I bet you would love it too. The cup is BIG and it is only RM8, hot water refill is free. The waiters and the boss, John are very friendly and observant, they would come to ask when your cup is empty. Their customer service is remarkably good.

Hawaiian Latte, my friend's order.

I had cappuccino on my third visit.

Creme Brulee. One of my favourites at Coffee Obsession.

Turkey Quiche. Aw.. this one is awesomely taste good too.

Chicken pie. The crust is neither too hard or soft.  Just right. The content has generous ingredients too.

Bread pudding. Ok, on my next visit, I would want to have this again. I don't mind to rotate having the desserts I have tried since it tastes so good.

This is spaghetti pudding. By the name of it, you might have hesitation to try it. But its taste is not that awkward. Trust me.

I think we are spoiled with choice of cafe now in Kuching. Though too many choices, I still prefer to hang out at the place which price is lower (price conscious). At Coffee Obsession, I can spend RM8 for tea and RM6 for a Turkey quiche.

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