August 29, 2017

Pablo Cheesetart @One Utama, Selangor

Address: S130, 2nd Floor, Old Wing, One Utama Shopping Mall, Bandar Utama, 40150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Business hours: 10am - 10pm daily

The first time I had Pablo cheesetart was exactly 5 years ago in Osaka. The post is here. I was thrilled to know that it's available in Malaysia now. This was one of the reasons I came to 1U for. Aimed to have the big size of cheese tart, not the palm-size mini tart. I was worried my mum would stop me to have it because of its price, RM4X++. But surprisingly she gave me green light to buy.

I decided to have it immediately even though we just had our lunch few minutes ago. The staff was friendly and helpful. Provided me the paper trays and extra napkins.

Other than the cheese tart, I also bought the Mango smoothie.

The staff even gave me two packs of Pablo cookies. Nice! We love both flavours. Matcha flavour has really heavy matcha and milk aroma, not oversweet. It is a good idea if you want to get a box of this for your friend or relatives on special occasion.

The texture of the cheese tart. Had the first bite of it, found out it is slightly different from the one I had in Osaka. The cheese tart is not as firm, and the cheese aroma is not as intense also. Comparing both, this one is more light and 'fruity'. I won't say that it is a bad thing. I will get detest fast if the taste of cheese is too overwhelming. I like both, but the cheese tart in Osaka has crispier tart crust even though I consumed it late in the evening. Oh well, guess it is due to the different climate? I finished 3/4 of it on the spot, my mum had the 1/4. That's how good taste it is. No guilt, only satisfaction.

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The map to Pablo Cheesetart at One Utama:

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