August 26, 2017

Penang Nasi Kandar @Restoran Kudu Bin Abdul, Chow Kit, KL

Address: 335, Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Chow Kit, 50100 Kuala Lumpur
Business Hours: 7:30am - 8:00pm (Monday - Friday); 7:30am - 7:30pm (Saturday - Sunday)

Restoran Kudu Bin Abdul is adjacent to Restoran Kin Kin, the famous chilli pan mee. Every time I passed by this place after chilli pan mee, never failed to see the long queue outside. Trust it must be good since the people are willing to queue under the hot sun.

Weeks ago, my mum and I had a getaway to KL. Wanted to bring her to Restoran Kin Kin for breakfast, then try out this nasi kandar after chilli pan mee. We reached there quite late, almost 11am. Decided to have the nasi kandar first since the queue was still short, about 8 pax in front of us. Though short, it took 10 minutes too for our turn. There was two ladies in front "tapau" two big bags. Each customer may have different request, and the vendor is patient enough to fulfil each request.

The menu price list is here.

Everyone is patiently waiting for their turn.

The variety of meat and seafood to choose from:

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My mum's plate, ayam merah, pickled cucumber and lady fingers. The choice of veges was limited, only these two were available on the day.

My plate. I asked for fried chicken drumstick, pickled cucumber and boiled lady fingers. Requested the vendor to top the rice with curry sauce. The portion was really generous, I could hardly finish all. And the plate of this only cost RM7.50. Cheap and tasty. After emptying this plate, we cancelled our mind to proceed to Restoran Kin Kin.

The queue started to get longer after 11am. Only one person to serve customers and collect payment. Hope the efficiency can be improved.

The map to Restoran Kudu Bin Abdul:

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