February 17, 2018

Hill Street Tai Hwa Pork Noodle 大華猪肉粿條面, Singapore

Address: 466 Crawford Lane, #01-12, Singapore 190465
Business hours: Monday - Sunday 9:30am - 9:00pm (Rest on first and third Monday)

Last month I made a prompt decision to visit my friend in Singapore. My friend asked me to list down the food I want to try out. So this Bak Chor Mee (BCM) is one of the food in my list. After landed and dropped my luggage at home, we came to Hill Street Tai Hwa Pork Noodle for the famous BCM. They gained a Michelin Star prestige in 2016, that accolade made them so popular internationally. We reached there and lined up at 10:53am, the queue was still considered short. When it was our turn to order, the time hit 12:05pm. Quite a number of the customers are tourists, and there were customers ordered takeaways too. An hour wait was quite unpleasant because it was quite hot and stuffy.

Finally our turn to order. They have 3 sizes of portion, $5, $8 and $10. Since we have waited an hour for this, I want to have the bigger portion so that I don't feel regret later. I went for $8 and my friend's $5.

This bowl of BCM is plentiful. The ingredients include dumplings, meatballs, pork slices, pork liver, minced meat, and fried fish slices. The BCM accompanied with a bowl of soup too. The alkaline taste of the soup was quite overwhelming. The noodle was cooked to perfection, neither too hard nor too soft, springy, mild spicy and tangy in taste. But the alkaline aroma was rather strong. The pork liver was soft and still red in colour, I was quite hesitated to eat it at first because it's not fully cooked. I like the dumplings, and the minced meat tastes great with the sauce.

Overall this bowl of BCM is indeed worth the one hour wait but I don't think I want to queue again since I have tried it.

The map to Hill Street Tai Hwa Pork Noodle:

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