February 10, 2018

Mummy's & Mama's Homecooking @Ah Liong Cafe, BDC, Kuching

Address: Lot 942, Jalan Stampin, Taman BDC, 93350 Kuching, Sarawak.
Business hours: Sunday - Monday 6:30am - 11:30pm (Wednesday off)

Ah Liong Cafe is unlike other kopitiams, it's hygienic and organized. I used to come here for dinner but weeks ago I started to come here for lunch. To my surprise, there are variety of food to choose from. And, I got so indecisive which to have because every stall's menus look so attractive. I can name a few "the best to have", Teochew porridge, one plate rice with one dish (碟仔飯), and the most popular stall is this Mummy's & Mama's Homecooking's fast food.

Mummy's & Mama's Homecooking, the Bario Specialties. The red rice they used is from Bario.

Every dish is unique and you should try their tempoyak, the fermented durian paste. It's seasonal though. I like every of their homecook dishes, the flavour is impeccable.

I really like petai and tempoyak. A plate of this, two veges and one meat costs RM6. Very reasonable.

This plate costs slightly higher, RM6.50. I don't know what's the dishes called. The yellow cubes are not potatoes, it should be banana stem.

The map to Ah Liong Cafe:

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