April 14, 2018

Review: IRVINS's Salted Egg Vs The Golden Duck's Salted Egg

This salted egg thingy has created a hype since last year. When I visited Singapore in January, the salted egg fish skin was all the time "out of stock" at every outlet I passed by. So I only managed to get a pack of IRVIN's salted egg potato chips. My friend bought another competitive brand, "The Golden Duck" for me to do comparison.

A small pack of IRVINS's salted egg potato chips below costs S$8, about RM23.66. It's pricey for me. The packaging itself is nearly a quarter of the cost, I guess. The big pack costs S$16.

Nevertheless the potato chips taste good. The taste is sort of expected. It's potato chips coated with salted egg. The chip has strong aroma of salted egg and curry leaves. It's crispy and every chip is evenly coated with salted egg yolk.

Another brand is The Golden Duck. Slightly cheaper than IRVINS S$7, it's about RM20.70. The packaging designs between the two, IRVINS's more attractive.The Golden Duck's packaging design is more conservative.

Compared to IRVINS's potato chips, The Golden Duck's chips are thinner. But the crunchiness wasn't as great as IRVINS. More over the salted egg yolk is quite lumpy and powdery, not evenly coated on chips.

The Golden Duck's salted egg fish skin. My first attempt of fish skin was at Black Society restaurant. It's addictive even without the flavour of salted egg yolk.

The texture of salted egg fish skin was good on average. Like its potato chips, the salted egg yolk is not evenly coated on fish skin as well. The taste was predictable, didn't give me much surprise.

Between IRVINS and The Golden Duck's salted egg potato chips, I vote a credit to IRVINS. In terms of price, The Golden Duck is cheaper. However, this snack is categorised as high price. Not everyone can afford to buy it for party nor self-consumption. Will just give it a try or buy as a gift for family members.

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