September 28, 2018

Pudu Glutton Street Night Market 半山芭為食街 @Pudu, Kuala Lumpur

Address: Jalan Sayur, Pudu, 55100 Kuala Lumpur
Business hours: Monday - Sunday 5:00pm - 11:00pm

Visited this night market last month. Located at Pudu, we took a Grab car to get here.  We got there around 5:40pm. Many stalls were still closed. We planned to try out the Tai Bu Mee, unfortunately it was not open that day.

This fried chicken 四眼仔炸鸡 stall is famous. We bought chicken wings, chicken feet and bishop nose to try.

We were disappointed with its taste. Probably it had turned cold when served? Nothing to brag about. We have much decent fried chicken wings than this in Kuching. 

This porridge was really plain. Not tasty and zero impression. Not worth to pay for.

Apam balik is also in our pocket list. The stall owner was just arrived to start business when we were having our fried chicken and porridge. My friend asked me, one piece at RM1.50, is it the whole big piece or cut into small piece. In Kuching, you can get RM3 for the whole big piece. I thought my friend brought me the news that the whole piece only RM1.50.  We both were excitedly waiting for this. And soon we got disappointed when the small piece was handed to us. The taste wise, we were really disappointed. The apam balik was not aromatic, plain and tasteless because no margarine was used.  It may be the healthier version of apam balik but seriously...  apam balik without Planta margarine, will that entice you buy?

I would like to try out the Tai Bu Mee next time. It looks like Kuching kolo mee, with char siew and minced meat on top. Another one which I would be interested to try is the sup kambing (mutton soup).

The map to Pudu Glutton Street Night Market:

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