September 25, 2019

HK Boy Cart Noodle 香港仔車仔麵茶餐廳 @GalaCity, Kuching

Address: Ground Floor, Sublot 14, Galacity Prime, Lot 424, Block 16, Jalan Tun Jugah, 93250 Kuching, Sarawak.
Business hours: Monday - Sunday 9:00am - 3:00pm & 5:00pm - 10:00pm

This restaurant is popular these days in Kuching. Need to take number in order to get a seat. We visited there on a raining evening. Managed to get a table that fit 5 of us with a baby.

The business hours are shown as below. They open daily for the time being. Take note of their break time and last order time.

They decorated the wall with humorous advertisement posts.

The order chits.

Chrysanthemum Tea 菊花茶 (RM3.00) & Iced Milktea 冰鎮奶茶 (RM4.90)

Noodle with 2 Toppings 2 餸車仔麵  (Doggie Noodle, Beef Tendon Sauce, Luncheon Meat & Bursting Meat Ball)

Noodle with 2 Toppings 2 餸車仔麵  (Doggie Noodle, Tomato Broth Soup, Luncheon Meat & Lemongrass Pork Chop)

Swiss Chicken Wings 瑞士雞翼 (RM6.90).

Swiss Chicken Chop Rice with Fried Egg on Top 慢煮無骨瑞士雞脾煎蛋飯 (RM14.90)

Luncheon Meat & Fried Egg with Instant Noodle 出前一丁 (RM8.90). Surprisingly they said this taste was good.

Imitation Fin Soup 招牌碗仔翅 (RM5.90)

My bro had the Swiss Chicken Chop Rice, he highly-recommended it. I had the noodle with tomato broth soup. The soup was rather too rich and thick, I didn't like it that much. The doggie noodle 狗仔粉 is as thick as udon noodle.

This place is good for casual dining. You'll be spoilt for choice here. Good thing is that their price is within acceptable range, but they do charge 10% service charge. Total bill for 5 pax:

The map to HK Boy Cart Noodle:

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