March 20, 2015

Fried Chicken Wings at Two Wings, Singapore

Address: 119 Bukit Merah Lane 1, Singapore 151119

I visited Singapore in January. Stayed for a couple of days. My buddy in Singapore had been bugging me what food I would like to try in Singapore and she can't wait for my visit. As you know, there are lots of international cuisines available in Singapore, I would like to have something taste more local. Excluded chicken rice and bak ku teh, as I don't feel like it. My first thought was chicken wings and Katong laksa. Googled "the best chicken wings in Singapore", and I found this link is on top of the result:

So Two Wings is one of the best chicken wings in the list. My friend brought me there, it was quite hard to find a parking lot during lunch break hours. After a few rounds of searching for parking, we gave up and decided to go back later. We went back around 2.30pm. It was raining, bringing in our umbrella to the hawker center and was told by a lady to leave our umbrella outside "rudely". Ok, fine. It's a good practice to keep the premise clean too. We ordered take-away, 4 pieces and was asked to come back later for pick up.

Their menu on the wall. If you are queuing, you can look at the menu on the wall first and then it won't take long for you to decide when it is your turn.

Here is our chicken wings

Quite a huge chicken wing. Mouth watering when seeing this picture.

Ok, I have to say the taste is not up to my expectation, and it is over statement. No doubt, the chicken wings are crispy but the meat is tasteless. I don't think it's marinated. Just the coatings look nice. My friend and I concluded that it was not worth to have second visit again. The box written "one just isn't enough!". Well, both of us agreed "one is just enough for me". I'll blog Eng Kee's fried chicken wing next. Stay tuned.

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