March 12, 2015

Chinese New Year Reunion Dinners

Chinese new year is over last Thursday. Days ago I was sorting out the picture folders and found the reunion dinner pictures I took since 2008, except 2012 (have no clue the reason I skipped it). Every year my mum prepared more or less the same dishes. Fried noodles is a must because we skip rice on this day. Fish is  a must too because of the Chinese tradition, it represents abundance year ahead (年年有余). Five spice meat loaf, mixed veges with sea cucumber, chicken or duck meat, and siobee. As we are Foochow so we generally include soup in our reunion dinner too.

Mum's always great, she will generally prepare the dishes we love. Like my favourite fried chicken wings and bro's favourite crabs. This year I nagged her to fry chicken wings a day before, so it was not included on reunion dinner.

2008 CNY Reunion Dinner

2009 CNY Reunion Dinner

2010 CNY Reunion Dinner. We had steamboat.

2011 CNY Reunion Dinner

2013 CNY Reunion Dinner

2014 CNY Reunion Dinner. Steamboat again.

2015 CNY Reunion Dinner

Thanks to the technology and the inventor of digital camera. I learned it is important to keep the pictures and remember my mum's efforts to prepare all these every year. Do you agree?

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