March 28, 2015

Kim Joo 锦裕, Kuching

Address: Jalan Ewe Hai, Kuching
Business hours: 6:30am - 2:00pm (closed on 1st and 15th every month)

Besides Noodle Descendents, Kim Joo is another place well-known coffee shop for cheng / zheng. They not only serve cheng, they also have fried rice, tomato kueh tiaw, etc. So you can try different menus at the same time. I will recommend you tomato kueh tiaw or mee, as this is one of the Kuching specialties.

Their menu:

Cheng / zheng soup. The soup is clear. Full of bean spouts aroma and salted vege.

The noodle is the best. Not over cooked, very chewy. If you are not keen to try their cheng soup, you can order kolo mee.

Tomato kueh tiaw. Normally they fry the kueh tiaw first, then cook the ingredients with sauce separately. Once done, spread it onto the kueh tiaw. For mee version, they will deep fry the noodle first. I prefer tomato mee because it is crispy, I don't normally soak in the tomato sauce too long.

Cucumber juice. They also have kedondong juice. Best beverage to drink on a hot day.

Kim Joo has limited seats. I think the peak hours is between 9:00am to 1:00pm on weekends. Choose your timing right then you don't have to wait too long to be seated.

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