September 27, 2015

Pisang Goreng (Banana Fritter), Stall No. 14 @ Song Kheng Hai

Location: Pandungan, Jalan Song Kheng Hai, 93100 Kuching, Sarawak
Business Hours: Open daily except Chinese New Year Holidays, 11:30am - 6:30pm

Quite sometime ago, I discovered something new at Song Kheng Hai. And, I am getting addicted to it. The "pisang goreng", banana fritter. I know it may seems unexciting to some of you as you cannot expect how special the pisang goreng can be right.. The stall no. 14 is nearby the stall selling the famous gongpia at Song Kheng Hai. No name is given. No menu nor food photo is displayed.  I normally walked pass without giving notice of it.

One day, went there to 'tabao' (takeaway) food for early dinner. Had a glance at the cardboard attached, written "芝麻香蕉糕“translation: sesame banana fritter. Decided to give it a try. Since then, I kept going back there for more.

I bought RM3, RM1 is roughly 4-5 pieces. Taukenio is very generous, she always put in extra pieces. I cannot tell you how delicious it is. You got to try it yourself. I will drool whenever I think of its taste.. The aroma of sesame and the crispiness of the batter after deep dried, really syiok to max. The ripeness of the banana is just right (unlike some vendors used unripe banana which tastes starchy). Even it turns cold, the good taste is still maintained.

They sell also breadfruit fritter. But the banana fritter is still the best. I bought RM3 of banana fritter and RM1 of breadfruit fritter two days ago. I finished RM2 of banana fritter alone. Each bite, I kept amazed at how good taste it is.

I strongly recommend you to try it out. Let me know if you like it too ok.

September 23, 2015

Tong Shun Coffeee Shop @ Desa Wira, Kuching

Location: Jalan Desa Wira, Taman Desa Wira, 93250 Kuching, Sarawak.
Business hours: Sunday to Thursday 8am (could be earlier) - 12pm, off every Friday

Few years ago, I was working in Batu Kawa area and a male colleague brought us to a place nearby for tomato mee (noodles). He kept on telling us how good the taste is and the noodles is freshly fried (which unlike some vendors storing the deep-fried noodles in container so they can shorten the preparation time).

The place is quite hidden, only the locals know it. If I never led by my colleague that day, I wouldn't know there's a small wet market here.

Honestly I am not a big fan of tomato mee. I don't really like dishes with sweet taste. When I tried their tomato mee for the first time, it proved my colleague is right. The noodles is very crispy and crunchy. Oh, making me drooled when I think of it now again. The tomato gravy is not as thick in colour, taste is slightly sour and the sweetness is just right which within my acceptance level.

I returned on the next day to try their tomato kueh tiaw which is equally good as well. But the crunchiness of the noodles makes me crave for it more. Slurp!

Map to Taman Desa Wira:

September 18, 2015

Chong Chon Biscuit Maker 长春饼店, Kuching

Location: 6, Kai Joo Lane, Kuching, 93000 Kuching, Sarawak
Tel: 082-248621

Chong Chon Biscuit Maker is another famous siew pao shop in Kuching, and its location is just opposite Tong Kee. They sell siew pao, curry puff, yam puff and egg tart. I bought siew pao, curry puff and yam puff, except egg tart.

Every pastry is guaranteed freshly made everyday.

Can you see the price list? Siew pau RM2.00, curry puff RM2.00, yam puff RM2.00, century pie RM2.50, egg tart RM1.70. I have not try their century pie yet. The taste must be very unique. Found one blogger mentioned it, customer has to call to order the century pie a day before and pick up the next day.

Top is yam puff, left is siew pao and right is curry puff.

The filling of siew pao. It is yummy. When I brought the bag of these pastries into my car, the whole car filled with the aroma. Smells so 'tasty' already, the taste for sure won't be disappointing.

The yam puff. I like yam puff more than siew pao. Not sure about you?

Don't miss out their curry puff too! Looking at the pictures of this, already making me drooled. Gosh.. The smell of the pastries still linger in my mind until today.

If you want to try their century pie, please call 082-248621 to order. Some of you might wonder what is century egg right... Click here to see how it looks like.

September 12, 2015

Pineapple Tarts @ Cheak Hng 一园

Location: No. 21, Kai Joo Lane, 93000 Kuching, Sarawak (within Indian Street area).

I ever saw a newspaper article introducing the pineapple tart of Cheak Hng. And what's so special about their pineapple tart? Its mini size caught my attention. The other day I purposely went to Kai Joo Lane for some siew pao and yam puff, found Cheak Hng is just a few steps from the famous siew pao shops. Decided to get a pack of it to try. 

This is it. A pack of this costs RM10 (not sure if they have increased the price yet). The mini size of pineapple tart is really "cute". It is smaller than the teaspoon. Although the appearance looks appealingly cute, but the pineapple filling is rather too hard for me to chew. If you are malt sugar lover, you might like this pineapple tart. 

September 5, 2015

Abee Traditional Buns 传统包, Kuching

Location: Jalan Padungan, just a few shops away from Noodle Descendents.

Almost everyday I drove on Padungan Road, and quite sometime ago this Abee Traditional Buns caught my attention. The signboard is simple and clear with three Chinese words: 传统包 which means traditional buns. I had been wondering what are type of buns they are selling. One fine day, my friend shared with us the char siu bun she bought from there. It tastes really good, different from the Hong Kong Puff Co.'s char siu bun. The skin layer is not as "shinning" but matte finish. The filling has generous portion, and guess what.. it is only RM1.70. Since then I have been patronized for countless times. It is worth to give a try and I assure you no regret!  

Not only char siu bun, they have also wholemeal bun, coconut bun, hot dog bun. Oh yeah, they also have steamed buns. I haven't have chance to try their steamed bun yet. Probably next time..

Just last week I discovered they have something new, garlic bun. Wow, the size is a lot bigger than my fist size. Fluffy soft and tastes nice too. The bun on the left was torn by my friend as she just wanted to try the taste of it.

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