September 5, 2015

Abee Traditional Buns 传统包, Kuching

Location: Jalan Padungan, just a few shops away from Noodle Descendents.

Almost everyday I drove on Padungan Road, and quite sometime ago this Abee Traditional Buns caught my attention. The signboard is simple and clear with three Chinese words: 传统包 which means traditional buns. I had been wondering what are type of buns they are selling. One fine day, my friend shared with us the char siu bun she bought from there. It tastes really good, different from the Hong Kong Puff Co.'s char siu bun. The skin layer is not as "shinning" but matte finish. The filling has generous portion, and guess what.. it is only RM1.70. Since then I have been patronized for countless times. It is worth to give a try and I assure you no regret!  

Not only char siu bun, they have also wholemeal bun, coconut bun, hot dog bun. Oh yeah, they also have steamed buns. I haven't have chance to try their steamed bun yet. Probably next time..

Just last week I discovered they have something new, garlic bun. Wow, the size is a lot bigger than my fist size. Fluffy soft and tastes nice too. The bun on the left was torn by my friend as she just wanted to try the taste of it.

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