September 27, 2015

Pisang Goreng (Banana Fritter), Stall No. 14 @ Song Kheng Hai

Location: Pandungan, Jalan Song Kheng Hai, 93100 Kuching, Sarawak
Business Hours: Open daily except Chinese New Year Holidays, 11:30am - 6:30pm

Quite sometime ago, I discovered something new at Song Kheng Hai. And, I am getting addicted to it. The "pisang goreng", banana fritter. I know it may seems unexciting to some of you as you cannot expect how special the pisang goreng can be right.. The stall no. 14 is nearby the stall selling the famous gongpia at Song Kheng Hai. No name is given. No menu nor food photo is displayed.  I normally walked pass without giving notice of it.

One day, went there to 'tabao' (takeaway) food for early dinner. Had a glance at the cardboard attached, written "芝麻香蕉糕“translation: sesame banana fritter. Decided to give it a try. Since then, I kept going back there for more.

I bought RM3, RM1 is roughly 4-5 pieces. Taukenio is very generous, she always put in extra pieces. I cannot tell you how delicious it is. You got to try it yourself. I will drool whenever I think of its taste.. The aroma of sesame and the crispiness of the batter after deep dried, really syiok to max. The ripeness of the banana is just right (unlike some vendors used unripe banana which tastes starchy). Even it turns cold, the good taste is still maintained.

They sell also breadfruit fritter. But the banana fritter is still the best. I bought RM3 of banana fritter and RM1 of breadfruit fritter two days ago. I finished RM2 of banana fritter alone. Each bite, I kept amazed at how good taste it is.

I strongly recommend you to try it out. Let me know if you like it too ok.

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