December 19, 2017

Ting Noodle House 陳記麵飯美食館 @Ban Hock Road, Kuching

Address: Ground Floor, 117B, Lot 132, Jalan Ban Hock, 93100 Kuching, Sarawak.
Business Hour: Monday - Saturday 10am - 8pm (Sunday off)

Hello, been not update my blog for weeks as busy with my bro's wedding. At last the wedding is ended last week. Yesterday finally got time to take a break, visited this Ting Noodle House at Ban Hock Road for brunch. This Taiwanese cuisine restaurant has been in Kuching for many years but still new to some Kuchingnites.

This restaurant serves the iconic Taiwanese dishes. The vendor married a Taiwanese. In the past, this Taiwanese taukenio always stood at the counter and greeted the walk-in customers "欢迎光临". It's the basic etiquette who runs a business in Taiwan culture. But now the customer service is improvable.

I used to come here for its minced pork rice and beef noodle. In those days, not many Taiwanese cuisine restaurants in Kuching. Another popular one is Taipei 101 at RH Plaza.

Iced Bubble Lemon Green Tea (RM4)

Seasoned Seaweed (RM3.50). Every time I visit here, normally will not skip ordering this seaweed as appetizer.

Pan Fried Chive Pork Dumplings (RM6.50). This one not recommended. It was quite oily on the dumpling skin. And the fillings was dry, taste quite awful.

Pork Rice (RM6.50). The layers of fat might look quite frightening to you right. It was not that greasy as you thought. The meat was soft and effortless to chew. What I don't like the most is that its portion is rather small. Oh well.. generally they serve the same portion too in Taiwan.

Minced Pork Rice (RM6.50). This looks different from what I had last time. The meat was in stripe form not minced? Anyway, my SIL said it's tasty. 

Stewed Beef Noodle (RM9.50). The broth is light spicy and flavourful. 

Mixed Beef Noodle. Our guest asked for bigger portion, so the portion is doubled from the beef noodle above.

The map to Ting Noodle House:

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