July 31, 2015

Pumpkin Steamed Bun @ Fu Sen Court, Hui Sing, Kuching

There is a stall behind Fu Sen Court at Hui Sing (next to Petronas Station) selling steamed bun made of pumpkin. And it is certainly fresh because they make it on the spot. They have different types of ingredient, cha sao bun, braised meat, chicken, pork, vegetable, red bean, butter, kaya, peanut butter and pumpkin. Not only steamed buns, they do have other kuih muih like fried yam cake, dumplings, siobee, etc.

Placing a soup spoon to show you the size of the bun.

I am fond of their meat buns because it contains a quarter of egg. And, it is only RM1.60.

Instead of getting buns from bakery stores at RM3 (at least) each, why not consider to get this? Healthy, big bun and cheap. Oh yeah, it tastes great too!

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