July 11, 2015

Acme Bar & Coffee @ The Troika, Kuala Lumpur

Address: No. 19, Ground Floor, the Troika, Jalan Persiaran KLCC, 50450 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-216 2288
Website: http://www.acmebarcoffee.com

I didn't realise my blog was down until my beloved friend from Japan mentioned it in her email. Two weeks ago, I switched my domain to another registrar. I forgot I have to do the DNS settings in the new account. I thought it's automatically done since the domain transfer is successful. Silly me..

Back to the topic. My friend in KL brought me to ABC. At first, I thought ABC as the "Ais Batu Campur" (a kind of ice desserts in Malaysia) I know of. She made phone call for reservation at 3pm. She claimed this place is very popular, it could be a long wait if you didn't make any reservation. When we arrived at the destination, this place is actually located at an office building.

Excellent view from my seat, the KLCC.

Their Menus

Cappuccino RM15.90

Mango Pistachio Roulade RM15.90

Sizzling Brownie & Oreo Ice Cream RM20.14. This is the one my friend highly recommended. Slurp! The waiter poured the chocolate sauce on top of the ice cream slowly, the hot plate started burbling with smoke. I like it, the whole presentation makes it a unique selling point.

The above stated price has included GST. Three of us, total bill amounting RM96.80, inclusive of 10% service charge.

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