August 26, 2013

Chong & Law Cafe 状元楼

Chong & Law Cafe

This cafe is located at BDC and the noodle stall here is famous with its home-made recipe 自制好味麵. Now it has branches at Jalan Song and Yew Kee Kopitiam. This is the main branch. The noodle is thicker than the normal kolo mee and it's non-halal as they use pork lard. It contains one or two pieces of deep-fried pork lard.

Chong & Law Cafe

Besides home-made noodle, you can find laksa and nasi lemak here. You can even order the Bak Ku Teh next door and get them send it over. The Bak Ku Teh is different from others because they use garlic rice rather than white rice.

Chong & Law Cafe

Chong & Law Cafe


  1. The A-Pek of the home-made-recipe noodle had pass away few months ago.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Feel sorry to hear that. No wonder didn't see him helping at the stall.

    3. He did not feel well after he came back from Taiwan and few days later he is gone.


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