August 26, 2013

Ipoh Tuck Kee 怡保德记

Location: No 61, Jalan Yau Tet Shin, 30300 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia
Tel No : +605-253 7513
Opens from 5pm onwards until late night, closed on alternate Tuesday.

After Ipoh's chicken rice post, I have to post my best Ipoh food experience at Tuck Kee 德记. Before visiting Ipoh, I had done some Ipoh food recommendations online. Apparently this Tuck Kee is one of the famous ones in town, this has been introduced by Axian too, click here to watch the YouTube.

Ipoh Tuck Kee 2

This is their menu. Sorry, it is blurry.

Ipoh Tuck Kee

According to some bloggers, they waited long for the food to be served. And, they recommended to have the "appetizers" while waiting. This is boiled Baby Octopus in Soy Sauce 八爪鱼, you can notice that almost every table will have this on their table. You should not miss it too.

Ipoh Tuck Kee

Another popular side dish is their Braised Mushroom Chicken Feet 冬菇焖鸡脚. I enjoyed chewing off every gelatinous digit of the chicken feet.

Ipoh Tuck Kee

Moonlight Fried Noodle aka Yu Kong Hor 月光河! It is a must-have in Ipoh! Raw egg on top of fried kueh tiaw and mix it fast while the kueh tiaw is still hot.

Ipoh Tuck Kee

Lastly, Wat Tan Hor 滑蛋河. I must say this is the BEST among all. A spoon of the gravy with lard fritter, it is heavenly tasty. If I ever visit Ipoh again, I definitely will not miss this out.

Ipoh Tuck Kee

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