August 26, 2013

Noodle Descendents 麵家汤

Location: Ground Floor Lot 18, Padungan Road, 93100 Kuching, Malaysia
Business Hours: Monday - Sunday, 7.30am - 3.30pm

Noodle Descendents

There is one famous dish called "Zheng" or "Cheng" in Kuching, which is pork innards soup that comes with noodle separately. Every Kuchingite knows this "Zheng" place at Bishopgate and their 3-wait principles: wait for car park (as it's not easy to find car park at that area), wait for seat (the capacity of the shop is limited, you will have to avoid going there during breakfast and lunch break. You won't feel good as someone is standing behind you waiting for you to finish your meal), wait for them to take order and food to be served (yes, you can't go to them direct. They will not entertain you. Wait patiently for them to come to you first). But quite sometime ago they has moved to Padungan Road (August 2012), with their new name: Noodle Descendents. The crowd still remain the same. You will notice how they have been loved by Kuchingites all these 56 years (they founded in 1957), that reminds me of the Digi advertisement song last time: "I will follow you, follow you wherever you may go.."

Noodle Descendents

Noodle Descendents

Noodle Descendents

Noodle Descendents

Noodle Descendents

Check out their Facebook Page here: Tips: Avoid peak hours and don't go with empty stomach as you might have to wait 1 hour for the food to be served during peak hours. It really puts your patience to the test.

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